Thank you Jen!

The Toronto-Danforth NDP would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Jennifer Story for eight years of dedication and success as our TDSB School Trustee for Ward 15 Toronto-Danforth.

Jen, who today announced she'd not be running for re-election in this fall's municipal election, worked tirelessly to stop local school closures and, alongside child care advocates, expand access to school-aged childcare.

Jen has been a passionate advocate for equity in public schools. She partnered with community groups and student activists to end the police-in-schools program and modernize TDSB’s dress code. She also helped establish Ontario’s first urban K-12 Indigenous school right here in Toronto-Danforth. 

Organizing with parents, unions and community groups in #TorontoDanforth and across Ontario, Jen fought to keep the modernized sex education curriculum. As our trustee, she was a leading advocate for COVID-safe schools and making COVID vaccines mandatory to attend Ontario public schools.

Jennifer Story, your work standing up for a strong, equitable, inclusive public school system has been invaluable. On behalf of Toronto-Danforth and the students, families and education workers you served, thank you Jen.

Read Jen's statement on Twitter.   

Jennifer Story standing on bench with red megaphone supportively addressing a group of people protesting and holding signs reading \

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