NDP would end Liberal’s cruel and callous claw backs to help people with disabilities

Canada's NDP issued the following press release on December 2, 2024.

NDP’s Zarrillo proposes plan to end unfair benefits claw back rules tied to marital status for persons with disabilities.

OTTAWA – On Monday, NDP critic for Disability and Inclusion Bonita Zarrillo (Port Moody—Coquitlam) brought forward a bill to protect the Canada Disability Benefit from unfair claw backs including those based on household income and marital status.

“People with disabilities, like all Canadians, should be entitled to enter into a relationship, or leave a relationship, or take on a roommate without losing their income – especially since rent and housing costs are so high,” said Zarrillo. “The current system doesn’t allow for that. It punishes any person with a disability who chooses to live with someone. It’s cruel and callous. Everyone deserves to make life choices without fear of losing their disability benefits.”

Anyone in Canada applying for the Canada Disability Benefit must include their marital status and household income in their application. For those who are married or live with a partner, their benefit can be reduced, and in some cases, they won’t get it at all. Zarrillo’s bill would end this long-standing practice, so that benefits only apply to individuals. With over one million Canadians with disabilities living in poverty, this would ensure they don’t lose the help they need to get by.

“Justin Trudeau has let people with disabilities down in this country by failing to provide the help they need to afford to live,” said Zarrillo. “And Conservatives, who only want to give breaks to billionaires, will callously cut services that people need to get by.

“People with disabilities in Canada deserve better. New Democrats fight every day to bring real relief for people who need it, not for the ultra-rich and powerful.”

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