REALITY CHECK: The Liberals year-long grocery list of broken promises

Canada's NDP issued the following press release on September 18, 2024.

One year ago today, Minister Champagne and the Liberals met with Canada’s grocery CEOs and promised to “stabilize” prices.

A year later, they’ve racked up a long grocery list of higher prices and broken promises:

But that’s what happens when the only plan the government has is to ask CEOs nicely to stop gouging people.

“Canadians are doing everything they can to keep up with costs, but groceries are only getting more expensive,” said NDP Food Price Inflation critic Alistair MacGregor.

“Maybe the Liberals haven’t looked in the flyers recently, like they told Canadians to do, but their plan to ‘stabilize’ prices by doing whatever their grocery CEO buddies tell them hasn’t worked. And all the while, the Conservatives have stayed deliberately silent on grocery greed because they want to gift more taxpayer money to grocery CEOs, while Poilievre’s inner circle profits off high grocery prices.”

New Democrats are going to deliver hope and relief from high prices. We’re demanding new, urgent action instead of the Liberals letting people down again—and the NDP is running to form a government that will make sure people pay less, not more.”

It's time Toronto-Danforth had a true progressive representative in Ottawa.

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