If President Donald Trump forces Canada to levy retaliatory fines, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh says he will deliver every dime Canada collects directly into the hands of workers.
NDP blasts Poilievre for his vow to lower tax for the ultra-rich
Only an NDP government will make the ultra-rich pay what they owe.
Singh statement on the resignation of Trudeau
Leader of Canada’s NDP Jagmeet Singh issued the following statement in response to Justin Trudeau’s resignation.
Jagmeet Singh's letter to Canadians
"I will be working hard to build a movement that can win in the next election. Join me in this fight." - Jagmeet Singh
NDP would end Liberal’s cruel and callous claw backs to help people with disabilities
NDP proposes plan to end unfair benefits claw back rules tied to marital status for persons with disabilities.
Singh’s NDP commits to lower monthly costs by taking the taxes off life’s essentials
Singh to scrap GST on home heating, grocery meals, internet and mobile bills, diapers, kids’ clothes.
REALITY CHECK: The Liberals year-long grocery list of broken promises
The Liberals have racked up a long grocery list of higher prices and broken promises.
Singh ends Supply and Confidence Agreement with governing Liberals
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has ended the Supply and Confidence Agreement signed with the Liberal government in 2022.
Jagmeet Singh announces renoviction-ban plan to make rent more affordable
Jagmeet Singh laid out a plan to ban renovictions to make rent more affordable across the country.
Jagmeet Singh demands a cap on grocery prices
“If greedy CEOs want to keep ripping people off, the government needs to provide relief at the till with a cap on essential items like bread and baby formula.”