Dental care for kids and sick leave for workers finally a reality thanks to NDP

Canada's NDP issued the following press release on November 30, 2022:

Starting December 1, working families will be able to apply for the NDP's dental care for kids under 12 and two weeks of paid sick leave.

OTTAWA — On Thursday, parents and workers will finally be able to apply for support New Democrats delivered: dental care for kids and up to two weeks of paid sick leave.

Earlier this year, New Democrats used their power to help families and their budgets by giving families with children under 12 $650 per year per child to see a dentist. And after years of pushing the government to bring in two weeks of paid sick leave for federally regulated workers, workers will finally be able to access the support.

After months of the NDP pushing the government to follow through, it’s clear that left to their own devices, the Liberals were never going to act. And at every opportunity, despite Canadians paying for Conservative MPs' own dental care, the Conservatives tried to stop dental care for kids from happening.

“Families without benefits will finally be able to access dental care for their kids and workers will finally be able to stay home if they're sick without worrying about how they will pay their bills. Despite the Liberals fighting these measures at every step and the Conservatives trying to stop this support being sent to families, New Democrats didn't stop, and now families will be able to access this help and get a break,” said Canada's NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. “And this is just the first step, we’re going to keep fighting to make sure all Canadians can access comprehensive dental care as part of our health care system.”

The Liberals teamed up with the Conservatives and voted against dental care twice, but New Democrats persisted, and forced the Liberals to give uninsured families making under $90,000 per year dental care for their kids under 12. Families will be able to apply for this support on Thursday at

“Families are playing by the rules, doing everything right, but still can’t get ahead. Family budgets are stretched thin, and services they count on — like hospitals — are over-packed. We need to urgently get support to people to pay the bills and to support our crumbling health care system so families can get help when they need it,” added Singh. “It’s clear: without New Democrats, the Liberals were never going to put money back in your pockets. And despite talking about rising costs, the Conservatives are not interested in the fights that help you. New Democrats will always fight for you and your family, and we're not done. We'll keep fighting – to help your kids with dental care, to help your family budget, and to help you get ahead.”

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